Registration for TICAL with promotional prices? Only until May 31

proycolab-tical2015Those who are interested in participating in the TICAL2015 Conference paying the promotional prices as registration fee should hurry. The period which gives the right to the attendees to register with lowered costs - determined by the organization - will end next Sunday, May 31.

In June 1st, the subscription prices for authors, members of the partner institutions and for the general public will be adjusted to the value that will be maintained until the conference date.

The registration can be made in three different modes: 1) Registration and immediate payment (via PayPal and Visa); 2) Registration and payment in the TICAL2015 headquarters; 3) Registration in the system and payment by bank transfer using the following data (the transaction must be made in US dollars):

Bank: Santander S.A. Montevideo, Uruguay
Account Number: 5200233001
Account Holder: Cooperación Latinoamericana de Redes Avanzadas (CLARA)
Through Wachovia Bank-ABA 026005092

Thus, registering until May 31, the participant guarantees the right to the promotional fares even if the payment is made at a later date. Registration includes the participation in TICAL2015, all the material for the event, coffee breaks, lunch and the participation in the gala dinner.

The registration form and other information regarding the fees of TICAL can be found in

Get to know the TICAL program:

Five questions to: Rafael Ibarra, El Salvador

lito ibarraAfter crossing South America, our series "Five questions to" arrived to Central America where we talked to one of the main exponents of ICT in the region: the salvadorain Rafael "Lito" Ibarra. In this interview, he tells us a little about his career and reveals his expectations for TICAL2015.

Hello, Rafael. Tell us a little about yourself and about your formation.

Hello! I am Rafael "Lito" Ibarra, graduated in Electrical Engineering and Business Administration, and Master in new information and communications technologies. I worked in the academy (for over 27 years) as well as in the private sector, being part of several directive joints and organizations of the civil society. I am also a consultant for public and private entities and founder member of several organizations, including RedCLARA and RAICES.

What was your first contact with the advanced networking and how do you assess their development since then?

We contributed to the definition and subsequent implementation of the ALICE project, which gave birth to RedCLARA, RAICES and seven other national research and education networks in Latin America. I think that the development of the advanced networks in our region is heterogeneous, given that some countries excelled and progressed very quickly while others are still battling for their development, in addition to those that haven’t form its national network yet.

In a context like this, what is the importance of TICAL for the development of networks and professionals in the field of ICT?

TICAL is a hotbed of ideas, initiatives, experiences and possible alliances for IT directors of the participating universities. It allows us to know the rights and wrongs of the institutions of the region, whether they are big or small.

You participated in four editions of TICAL. What lessons did you take from each of these experiences?

In all of them there were new experiences introduced, projects about which I had no idea though they were being developed by institutions in Latin America.

From a personal and professional perspective, what are your expectations for TICAL2015 to be held in Chile? And why Salvadorians should attend?

I hope to find new proposals coming from the Latin American universities on how they are responding to the contemporary challenges: online education, BYOD, voice over IP, etc. Salvadorians, like other Latin Americans, should be involved to meet these experiences and the answers for the problems that are already being experienced, as well as the ones that will be faced in a near future. It is always better to learn from the experience of colleagues and friends before taking decisions in our institutions.

Hans Pongratz: “I would like to learn insights and discuss recent trends and emerging technologies in Latin America”

Hans Pongratz

Senior Vice President for IT-Systems and Services - Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the Technical University of München (Germany), Hans Pongratz is one of the five key speakers of the plenary sessions of TICAL2015. We invite you to know a little more about him through this interview. 



These are the 46 selected papers for TICAL2015

select-tical2015-enThe material will be part of the program of the event that will be held on Centro de Eventos – Hotel – Casino Enjoy, in Viña del Mar (Chile), from June 6 to 8. RedCLARA will award one author per paper with the plane tickets that they need to travel and be part of the Conference.


As a result of the announcement made through national research networks and institutions related to information and communications technologies in Latin America, 171 papers postulated to be part of the Fifth Conference of Information and Communication Technologies Directors from higher education institutions, TICAL2015.

All the submitted works were evaluated by the program committee integrated by Ernesto Chinkes - University of Buenos Aires (Argentina - President), Ruth Alvarez - Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (Ecuador), Fernando Fajardo - Universidad Autónoma de Chile (Chile), Roberto Price - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile), Gabriel Silva - Universidad Federal Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and Ronald Vargas - Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (Costa Rica), who met in Santiago, Chile, during May 8 and 9.

The 46 selected papers that will be part of the Program of TICAL2015 are:

Thematic Axis Paper title Country
ICT solutions for education


Agent SocialMetric: Una Aplicación Práctica de Solución TIC como Soporte a la Enseñanza Argentina
El uso de plataformas para experimentación en Internet del Futuro para la enseñanza de redes de computadoras  Brazil
-Recurso Educativo Abierto Inteligente para la Enseñanza de Contenidos Básicos sobre Suelos Venezuela
Automatización del proceso de evaluación de alumnos para cursos de Anatomía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Chile
Microscopia Virtual: Tecnología al Servicio de la Enseñanza de la Histología/Embriología en Cursos de Ciencias de la Salud Chile
El Laboratorio Remoto FCEIA-UNR: Integración de recursos y trabajo en redes colaborativas para la enseñanza de la Ingeniería Argentina
Las TIC en el Estudio de la Osteología Universidad de Pamplona-Colombia Colombia
Aplicación de tecnologías enfocadas a la enseñanza de la arqueología mexicana en la Universidad de Guadalajara Mexico
Implementações no DSpace para Disponibilização de recursos Educacionais no Repositório Digital da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Brazil
ICT solutions to support research


SIGEVA surgimiento desarrollo y transferencia de un sistema para la gestión y evaluación de procesos científicos-tecnológicos Colombia
Multipresença: um sistema de videoconferência adaptável, escalável e interoperável Brazil
Desvendando o conceito de CDN e sua aplicabilidade nas Redes Acadêmicas  Brazil
El desarrollo de servicios especializados de la Red Mexicana de Repositorios Mexicanos-REMERI para promover el Acceso Abierto: el INDIXE de Tesis Digitales y el INDIXE de Revistas y Publicaciones Periódicas Mexico
ICT solutions for management Informatización de la Gestión Económica Financiera y la Logística de la Universidad de La Habana Cuba
Aplicación de Inteligencia de Negocios (BI y KPI) en la estrategia de permanencia estudiantil: caso Fundación
Universitaria Católica del Norte (Colombia)
Información y Comunicación en Instituciones de Educación Superior: Gestión de las TICs para la investigación y colaboración Chile
Evaluación formativa de profesores utilizando un sistema en línea, experiencia en la Universidad Tecnológica del Perú Peru
Proyecto Delta Integración para una mejor toma de decisiones Argentina
Gestión de Trámites Académico Administrativos a través del Sistema de Trámites en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja Ecuador
Módulo para gerenciamento de eventos do SIEC - Sistema de Informação de Extensão e Cultura da UFG Brazil
ICT Solutions for Extension and Linking with the Environment Libras@RNP: o primeiro serviço para surdos da RNP Brazil
La estrategia de la Universidad de Guadalajara en la implementación de accesibilidad web en los portales universitarios Mexico

ICT governance and magement


Impactos Estruturais da Implantação da Governança de TI em uma Universidade Pública Brasil
Introduzindo ITIL no ambiente acadêmico Brasil
Neutralidad tecnológica. El caso de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica Costa Rica
Administrando o Caos: Desafios e Oportunidades na Aplicação das Boas Práticas da Governança de TI nas Instituições Públicas de Ensino Brasileiras Brasil
Modelo de Gestión y Gobierno de Tecnologías de Información en universidades de Colombia: Caso Instituciones de Educación Superior en el Departamento del Cauca Colombia
Planejamento de TI em universidades: relato dos primeiros dois anos de trabalho com PDTI e práticas de Gestão de Serviços Brasil
Infrastructure Uma proposta de arquitetura para melhoria de desempenho no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle utilizando proxy reverso Brasil
GT-PID: Uma Nuvem IaaS Universitária Geograficamente Distribuída Brasil
Alternativas para la Integración de Plataformas
Propietarias Heterogéneas de VoIP y Datos en redes LAN
Pruebas y Análisis de la Movilidad IPv6 en la UNAM Mexico
SmartWifi, plataforma para la gestión inteligente del acceso a la red inalámbrica Chile
Experiencia en la conformación de un IXP regional Argentina
REUNA, hacia una Red Fotonica Nacional para Ciencia y Educación Chile
Despliegue del Servicio eduroam en el Campus Universitario de la UNMSM Peru
Implantación de un servicio de autenticación basado en Shibboleth en la PUCP - Caso de Estudio Peru
Proyecto miUNQ: Implementación de una plataforma de Autenticación Centralizada para la utilización de servicios y aplicaciones de la UNQ Argentina
Experiencia en la renovación TIC de la Universidad de Costa Rica: Proyecto Nube Académica Computacional Costa Rica
Information Security Control Inteligente para el Servicio Crítico de un Sistema de Información en Línea Colombia
Seguridad Proactiva en los Sistemas de Gestión e Información académica: el caso de la UNLP Argentina
Evaluación de seguridad en Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje AVA – Moodle y Dokeos Colombia
Networks and collaboration NotiCEDIA una alternativa digital a un circuito interinstitucional de TV para promover la comunicación entre la comunidad universitaria Ecuador
Servicios para Fortalecer la Investigación Transatlántica Europea-Latinoamericana United Kingdom
Servicios de C omputo Avanzado para Latino Am erica y el Caribe Mexico

Susan Grajeck: “ICT professionals everywhere learn by sharing their knowledge and experiences”

Susan GrajeckEDUCAUSE's vice president for data, research, and analytics, Susan Grajek is one of the key speakers of the plenary sessions of TICAL2015, that will be carried out in Viña del Mar (Chile) from July 6 to 8, 2015. We spoke with her about her future participation in the Conference, check out what she said.


TICAL2016, Buenos Aires 13 - 15 septiembre 2016 TICAL2016, Buenos Aires 13 - 15 septiembre 2016 TICAL2016, Buenos Aires 13 - 15 septiembre 2016 TICAL2016, Buenos Aires 13 - 15 septiembre 2016 TICAL2016, Buenos Aires 13 - 15 septiembre 2016 TICAL2016, Buenos Aires 13 - 15 septiembre 2016 TICAL2016, Buenos Aires 13 - 15 septiembre 2016 TICAL2016, Buenos Aires 13 - 15 septiembre 2016 TICAL2016, Buenos Aires 13 - 15 septiembre 2016

TICAL2017 Organizers:


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